How to get mobile phone

There are three possibilities of getting hold of mobile phone:

1) to buy, cost of the cheapest is from 4000 CZK (cca 100 USD); you should choose provider which you like (3 types):


    2) to rent - telephone numbers for booking & shops:
    a) Paegas - airport +420-2-20 11 45 02, North terminal of airport+420-2-20 11 55 21
    prices: principal 4700 CZK; 183 CZK/day + 366 CZK
    b) Eurotel - airport +420-2-20 11 66 38, Sokolovska str. +420-2-67 01 15 07, Pobrezni str. +420-2-67 01 14 60
    prices:principal 5500 CZK , 7 days -1795CZK, 10 days - 2395CZK, 14 days - 3195CZK

    3) to take your own mobile phone working on frequence 900/1800 (Europe, not US) and rent or buy SIM card, but you have to check whether your phone is not blocked only for your local provider.
    prices for buying:
    Oskar - Oskarta 400 CZK ( only 1800 MHz)
    Pageas Twist cca 1300 CZK
    Eurotel Go cca 1500 CZK
    Eurotel Go - principal 500 CZK; lease 395 CZK for 3-30 days
    Pageas Twist - principal 500 CZK, lease 366 CZK for 1-90 days